Mining Laws


The Firm has been catering its services to various domestic and international companies and consultants regarding mining laws. The services of the Firm have been engaged in litigation as well as at the advisory level. This area of practice has caught momentum with the scarcity of resources, presence of multiple players in the market, regulatory instability and on account of the periodic amendments, reforms and multiplicity of practices adopted by various State Governments.

  • Advising Clients on issues emerging in both pre-auction and post auction phases of mines and natural resources.
  • Representing Clients before the Mines Tribunal, High Courts and the Supreme Court of India on issues of allocation of mineral resources against other bidders as well as the Authorities.
  • The Firm has substantive experience in handling mining matters in pre 2015 Amendment era before the Mines Tribunal, High Courts and the Supreme Court qua challenges in allocation, rejection and renewals.

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